Yesterday morning

April 26 2024 – Self portrait

Some days you just need to take a deep breath and relax, while trying to find a place in life. And sometimes we need to understand that things happen for a reason. Even letting go of what doesn’t make us happy. I mean why are we holding on to what doesn’t seem to be worth the time or the energy. I read a short text the other day and maybe there is some truth to it.

Repeat after me: I don’t want what doesn’t want me”.

A “forest”

Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes. But what about the forest with a few trees or no trees at all? When almost everything is gone or where there are only a few dead ones left?

Perhaps a sign it’s time to move on? Who knows. You never know when you’ll find a new one, where you can find both comfort and peace.


An ordinary selfie

Tänker på ordet ”tillfälligt”.
Vad är det till för egentligen?
Och sen har vi alla tillfälligheter.
De som kallas slumpen.
Jag vet att jag är tillfällig.
Sen kommer det tillfällen i livet.
Alla dessa tillfälligheter.
Sen sägs det att man ska ta tillfället i akt.
Hur gör man det egentligen?

(Sorry for the Swedish text)

A blank page

Self portrait from yesterday morning

A blank page. And a blank slate.

Life is a blank slate and you decide what to write. Do you wanna write the same story over and over again or do you wanna change it? I decided to hit the reset button and don’t regret a thing. This year I will turn 53 and have decided not to waste any more time on non-essentials. Life itself is a roller coaster of emotions and it should be exciting to watch it, be in it and embrace it for the rest of your life.

“I've had enough of crying, bleeding, sweating, dying. Hear me when I say, going to live my life every day. I'm going to touch the sky. And I spread these wings and fly. I am not here to play. I'm going to live my life every day.”

April 1 2024 II

April 1 2024 – Self portrait

I feel that I’m aging. But it’s so hard to accept. My body is changing a bit too fast now. It’s like I can’t keep up. I want to shed skin. Exchange it for that body that can handle a little more than what this one does right now.

My friend

March 30 2024 – My friend, the Alder tree

People who have overcome darkness in their life typically have a fire inside them that is almost impossible to extinguish.” (Stephen Timoney)

Visited an old friend today and we always have a great conversation about life. I have told the Alder everything so “he” knows me quite well after all these years and “he” always tells me to keep my head up.

Sunday evening

Att gestalta den där känslan.
Den som bor här inuti.
Lever och frodas.
Kanske äts jag upp inifrån och ut.
”Skönheten sitter i betraktarens öga”
Men vi ser ju med hjärnan.
Och min hjärna ser precis som det är.
Det svider.



To portray that feeling. The one that resides inside here. Thrives and flourishes. Maybe I’m being eaten up from the inside out. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. But we see with our brains. And my brain sees exactly as it is. It stings.

I am sorry.